Welcome to HSTA
Health Sciences & Technology Academy, known as HSTA, is a one-of-a-kind mentoring program in the state of West Virginia that helps participating high school students enter and succeed in STEM+M-based undergraduate and graduate degree programs. HSTA marshals the efforts of hundreds of mentors—teachers, community members, higher-education faculty and staff, and the HSTA participants themselves—through a framework that supports students facing social and financial challenges to obtaining a diploma and moving on to college.
HSTA Scholars
Attend after-school club meetings
Complete annual community based research projects
Attend 2 summer campus academies
Complete 75 hours of community service
Maintain a higher than average GPA
And They Achieve Phenomenal Success:
- 3,555 high school students have graduated from HSTA, 1998-2024
- 99% of HSTA graduates matriculate to college
- 87% graduate from college; 86% graduate with a four-year degree or higher
- 84% of HSTA college graduates continue to live and work in West Virginia
- On average, HSTA students earn $30,000 per year more than their parents
- State schools provide substantial tuition support through medical school and other advanced STEM+M-based degrees