Summer Camp 2023

Dear HSTA Students and Parents/Guardians,

 HSTA will open Summer Camp Applications for 2023 on March 1, 2023 and close applications on March 31, 2023. Applications will be emailed to HSTA students through REDCap. 

 Contact your Field Site Coordinator if you have any questions and/or problems. (List of names and emails can be found here

 Applications should be completed by both student and parent/guardian. The application will include medical information, emergency contact, summer camp rules, and additional paperwork for specific camps.

 **Applying to HSTA Summer Camp does not guarantee that you will attend. Your regional FSC will follow up with additional information about summer camp in April.

 If you are a current 10th grader you will apply for the Junior Camp at WVU, Morgantown WV July 23rd  – July 28th.

 **Priority is given to students with zero HSTA Summer Camps and one HSTA Summer Camp.

 HSTA Summer Camp Rules and Regulation

I, the HSTA Student, understand that the staff of the summer program strives to maintain a strong quality program.  I understand that I am expected to act appropriately - maintaining good and responsible behavior at all times.  I understand and agree to abide by all the HSTA Rules and Regulations, some of which are:

  1. I am required to submit all summer forms required of me to on time or I will not be allowed to attend.  
  2. I will be required to go home if I sustain an injury during the summer program that impacts my mobility.
  3. I am required to attend, participate, and be punctual for all classes, workshops, and other scheduled activities.  
  4. I am required to stay in the assigned residence hall.
  5. I will not damage or deface property.  If I do deface property, I will assume financial responsibility for the damaged items.
  6. I will not consume or possess any form of tobacco or nicotine delivery system, alcoholic beverage, or illegal drug.
  7. I will not take other's possessions without the owner's permission (stealing).
  8. I will not disrespect or disregard HSTA Staff, Mentors, Administrators, teachers or university faculty.
  9. I will not bring weapons of any kind to HSTA Summer Institute at any participating campus.
  10. I understand that females are not permitted in the male sleeping areas (i.e. rooms/floors) and males are not permitted in the female sleeping areas (i.e. rooms/floors).
  11. I agree to follow my school's 'Acceptable Computer/Internet Use' policy as well as the 'WVU Computer/Internet Use' policy for all HSTA activities.
  12. I agree to abide by the set HSTA Dress Code.
  13. I agree to follow safety guidelines and recommendations from the HSTA Instructor and teachers for all summer activities.
  14. I agree I will not be permitted to attend, or leave campus for, other programs or activities not related to HSTA while at the HSTA Summer Institute.
  15. I agree to follow all other rules and regulations implemented by HSTA.