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Preliminary Self-Study Completed for Formal Review

The West Virginia University School of Public Health’s preliminary Self-Study is currently being reviewed by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) in preparation for our April 2020 Site Visit. This phase of the reaccreditation process is called the preliminary review. For more details on the accreditation process click here

Within eight (8) weeks of receiving the preliminary self-study, CEPH staff will provide a letter summarizing reviewers’ detailed comments, with specific, actionable suggestions to enhance the utility of the in-person review process. Based on the initial reviewers’ comments and feedback, the Core Accreditation Writing Team will update and revise the self-study document to produce a final version which is the one used by the Council for the reaccreditation decision.

Please note that each of you are vitally important to this process and the writing team may call on staff, students, faculty, alumni and stakeholders to provide information and updates for the final version.

You may view the entire Self-Study and the Electronic Resource File

Please forward questions or comments on this document to Ms. Crystal Rhodes, administrative manager, Core Accreditation Writing Team, who will share all inquiries with members of the team.

Additional information on the accreditation process can be found here