CBTP and institutional funds are available for students in the CBTP program to attend annually a national or international meeting. Inquiries regarding the CBTP Travel Award application, application process, and completed application forms should be submitted to Dr. Mike Schaller.
Students are strongly encouraged to use the CBTP support for attending smaller meetings such as Gordon or Keystone conferences, rather than very large meetings, e.g. American Society for Cell Biology or American Cancer Society. Smaller meetings provide more opportunity for meaningful interactions with leaders in the field. Travel fund allocations by CBTP will favor applications to attend meetings that promote active interactions between young investigators and offer career development opportunities.
When attending a meeting, CBTP students should strive to go beyond simply presenting the results of their own research. At the conference, students should interact with leaders in the field, seek out collaborations, exchange ideas with students and postdocs, and explore career paths. During their attendance, the students are expected to demonstrate the erudition, curiosity and rigor that underlay the culture of WVU as an R1 research institution. After the conference is complete, students are expected to provide a short verbal report during one of the regular CBTP meetings about their experience at the conference, people they met, research that they found exciting, and new ideas that were inspired by their attendance.
Students are asked to acknowledge the support provided by the CBTP training grant T32 GM133369 and the WVU Health Sciences Center ORGE in their presentations.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) T32 program (T32 GM133369)