Bright eyes and big dreams
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I recently had the pleasure to attend the HSTA (Health Science and Technology Academy) career fair at WVU.
HSTA was founded in 1994 and is focused to introduce a STEM enrichment track for high school students in WV.
It is a great program and is making a real difference for a lot of our younger people.
I have been looking for young people with an abundance mindset from across the state.
Well, I think I have found some of them!
This group of rising high school juniors want to be doctors, nurses, engineers, therapists, dentists and a number of other STEM-based professions.
They have not set artificial limits for themselves.
They are committed to excellence and to realizing the American Dream.
And realizing this dream is real for them, as many graduates are now doctors, scientists, engineers and are practicing in other health professions.
Dr. Ann Chester, Assistant Vice President for Educational Partnerships, an incredibly positive and effective person, runs HSTA.
She has created family and community in this program and she has a lot of very talented young people as her emissaries.
Smart, motivated, and successful.
The future is in great hands.
As Henry Ford said, If you think you can or if you think you cant, you are right.
We can, we will and we are.
Thank you HSTA.