Workshop series in October to focus on Pomodoro writing technique

Do you have writing projects that get put on the back burner? The WVU Health Sciences Women in Science & Health (WISH) Committee invites you to make writing fit into your week with a Pomodoro writing workshop.

The committee will host weekly sessions throughout October on Thursdays from 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. focused on peer accountability using the Pomodoro writing technique. The workshops will provide quiet writing stations in HSC-North 2256. The first session will take place Thursday, Oct. 3.

The Pomodoro writing technique is a time management strategy for writing that involves working in short, intense sprints. The sessions will use a group timer to start each 25-minute focused writing block and identify a focused goal for that block. At the conclusion of each 25-minute writing block, you're welcome to take a 5-minute break to stretch, refuel, etc.

Register online.

If you have any questions, contact WISH co-chairs SueAnn Woods and Ashlee Sowards.