Community Service Form
Please give completed forms to your HSTA Teacher and/or Field Site Coordinator (FSC)
Each student is required to complete a minimum of 75 documented hours of approved community service prior to completion of the tuition and fee waiver application in their senior year. To meet this criterion, proposed community service work must be approved by Local Governing Board (LGB) or their designee.
Many projects qualify as community service and individual regions determine what qualifies in their clubs, your teacher or FSC can tell you what community service projects you can use for HSTA. If in doubt whether a project qualifies, ask your FSC or LGB.
Community Service is defined as volunteer participation. If you receive pay or are reimbursed for any of these activities, they are considered services rendered, NOT community service work.
Documentation of approved community service should include:
Date, type, and place of activity
Beginning and ending time frame
Name of person/facility to whom service was provided
Signature of authorized facilitator or recipient of services