Learning Space

Our learning management system, LearningSpace, enhances teaching and evaluation with video recording. Multiple surgical and procedural skills can be learned and assessed. Video capture of simulation sessions allows debriefing with an opportunity for reinforcement and remediation. 

LearningSpace Handout For Faculty

Go to the LearningSpace website: http://mls.hsc.wvu.edu/

Student login to LearningSpace:

Google Chrome is the recommended browser

To Review Video:

Google Chrome: No plugin's required

Firefox and Internet Explorer instructions:

  1. Download and Install SPlayer Windows / MAC
  2. Restart your computer
  3. Open your preferred browser and go to http://mls.hsc.wvu.edu

If you are experiencing issues viewing videos please contact us at (304) 293-7837 or the HSC ITS Helpdesk at 304-293-3631