2021 WVU Cancer Institute Gala Canceled
Due to ongoing COVID-19 health concerns, the 2021 WVU Cancer Institute Gala has been canceled. We are sad to formalize this decision, but we feel confident that this is a wise decision.
It is no surprise that the diagnosis and treatment of cancer persisted through the pandemic. In fact, last year’s shutdown will have a long-lasting effect on cancer outcomes, a direct consequence of later-stage diagnosis. We continue to adjust as needed to best serve our patients and ultimately lessen the cancer burden in West Virginia. Our team is dedicated to delivering highly specialized and advanced care, expanding screenings opportunities, developing innovative therapies, and educating the next generation of cancer specialists. Our clinical providers, researchers, and staff remain nimble.
One year later, the needs customarily met through philanthropic support not only remain but have expanded. As such, we invite you to select a signature fund to which your traditional Gala support can be directed this year. The two funds highlighted below would benefit most from your gift. Each has a sizable impact on the work that we do and on our patients.
The Mobile Lung Cancer Screening Program is a new mobile unit that will build upon the successes of Bonnie’s Bus, providing high-quality mobile screening closer to home. The program also features a research component designed to place us at the forefront of innovative, non-invasive screening modalities.
The Cancer Institute General Fund fills the financial gap left by standard funding, ensuring that no valuable need is left unmet. The fund regularly allows for the acquisition of unique technology, recruitment of physicians/researchers, and support of research and clinical trials.
For further details related to each fund and to formalize a gift to the fund of your choosing, please visit us online at wvucancergala.com. You may also contact Cory Chambers or 304-651-8444.
We at the WVU Cancer Institute are anxious to gather with you again in person. We look forward to delivering a memorable and show-stopping celebration in 2022. Until then, please stay well and know that we are deeply grateful for your continued support.