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Nursing student studies abroad for a semester in Cyprus

Nursing student studies abroad for a semester in Cyprus

Owen Widders, a School of Nursing student at West Virginia University heard about the opportunity of a lifetime during Welcome Week. Ti Bedunah, the Education Abroad Coordinator for the university, spoke to Widders about the chance to go to Cyprus for five months while still being able to focus on a nursing-based curriculum.

For many college students the prospect of studying abroad can seem daunting, but for Widders, the decision to study at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus has proven to be a life-changing experience.

Cyprus is an independent country located in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is roughly 3,572 square miles and is well known for its island-esque landmarks and historical sights. "I chose to study in Cyprus because of the amazing weather. The sun is always shining and there is so much to do and see on the island," Widders said.

Over the past few months, Widders has embraced the challenges and opportunities of living and learning in a foreign country. Adjusting to a new culture and environment can be hard at first, however, Widders found the adjustment to be quite smooth, saying, "The most valuable thing I've learned during my time in Cyprus so far is to get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and to soak in every moment because time flies, especially when you are having so much fun!"

Widders’ favorite day-to-day activities include coffee runs, walks around the neighborhoods, excursions to the beach, trying new foods and making friends from around the world. Beyond his studies, Widders has also taken full advantage of Cyprus' location to explore other countries.

Reflecting on his journey abroad, Widders emphasizes the importance and value of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things. "My advice to other nursing students at WVU interested in studying abroad is to take the leap! It can be very scary, trust me I was so nervous before coming to Cyprus, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!”

With the support of the WVU School of Nursing and advisors, Dana Friend and Cathy Camden, Widders’ adventure in Cyprus has become a testament to the variety of experiences the WVU School of Nursing offers.



CONTACT: Wendy Holdren
Director of Communications and Marketing
WVU School of Nursing
304-581-1772; Wendy.