Healthcare Disparities Panel via Zoom
Feb. 11 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by the John Chambers College of Business and Economics' Diversity, Inclusion, Culture and Equity (DICE) Committee, in partnership with scholars at the Health Sciences Center, the Healthcare Disparities Panel aims to begin dialogues around healthcare inequities and disparities.
All are welcome to this event, but the target audience is students, particularly in the medical field. The event format is a 30-minute panel with a 40-minute break out session. Please register by Feb. 10 at 5 p.m.
Event panelists include:
The relationship between income and health is complex and
multidirectional. Dr. Allen will provide an introduction to the
ways one’s wealth affects one’s health, and vice versa, with an
emphasis on lower-income individuals. The corresponding
breakout discussion will focus on myth-busting some of the
most common misunderstandings about Medicaid (the public
health insurance program for lower-income individuals), with
ample time for questions and discussion.
Dr. Paula Fitzgerald
Dr. M. Paula Fitzgerald will discuss women's health with respect
to reproductive health, pain management and heart health.
Participants interested in further exploring this topic during
breakout sessions will participate in an evidence-based
scavenger hunt and discussion to help separate fact, opinion,
anecdote and fiction.
Dr. Daniel Grossman
Dr. Grossman will discuss environmental conditions including toxic
waste, lead exposure, air and water pollution and how these
conditions disproportionately affect minority and lower income
communities. In the ensuing breakout session, participants will take
a deeper look at the Flint Water Crisis, focusing on some of the
research coming out of this event showing worse health at birth,
fertility effects of the crisis, and educational outcomes.
For more information, email Dariane Drake at