Limited scholarships available for dental school tobacco treatment training program
Virtual event scheduled for May 19-21
Update: All scholarships have been granted at this time.
It is not too late to apply for West Virginia University School of Dentistry’s upcoming training to help healthcare providers collaboratively approach patients’ nicotine dependence and provide evidence based tobacco cessation treatment.
The WVU School of Dentistry is the only dental school to offer the three-day certification program designed for physicians, physician assistants, dentists, dental hygienists, nurse practitioners, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, respiratory therapists, licensed professional counselors and other healthcare providers who encounter patients or clients who are tobacco users.
Mountains of Hope Cancer Coalition has been a consistent supporter of the tobacco treatment training program. Mountains of Hope is West Virginia’s State Cancer Coalition and is comprised of individuals and partner organizations; health, medical and business communities; academic institutions and researchers; and cancer survivors and advocates.
Mountains of Hope is sponsoring five additional scholarships to attend the tobacco cessation treatment training program scheduled for May 19-21.
To qualify for a scholarship, applicants must be a member of Mountains of Hope. Memberships is free. Register for membership here. To apply for one of the additional five scholarships recently made available, complete the online form.