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United Hospital Center introduces new WVU Medicine logo

Hospital celebrates 5-year anniversary

United Hospital Center (UHC) celebrated the fifth year anniversary of its Bridgeport campus with the unveiling of a new logo by Adelle Thrush, the first patient at the new UHC when it opened.

The 692,000 square foot, eight-level structure opened Oct. 3, 2010. With its patient-centered design, UHC has 292 private rooms and an array of state-of-the-art inpatient and outpatient technologies. 

"Our mission from the day we opened our doors was to provide advanced healthcare in a setting that puts both the patient and visitor at ease," Mike Tillman, president and CEO at WVU Medicine - UHC, said. "I am very pleased to say that in these past five years we have touched the lives of many North Central West Virginians and we will help even more over the next five years and beyond."

In recognition of this anniversary, UHC unveiled a new logo, consistent with the movement of its partner, West Virginia United Health System (WVUHS), with whom UHC has been affiliated since the inception of the system in 1997.

"This moment is very special to me," Thrush said. "I am honored that UHC asked me to play such a significant role in its history."

"WVU Medicine is more than just integrating the hospitals and clinics under a common logo or clinical brand. It's more than just integrating the infrastructure of modern healthcare systems, such as IT and common financial platforms, operational standards or goal setting activity," Christopher C. Colenda, M.D., M.P.H., WVU Medicine president and CEO, said. "WVU Medicine is our collective promise to deliver the highest quality care to all patients who choose us when they need help to restore health and wellbeing. WVU Medicine UHC, as a founding member of our health system, represents that promise for patients now and into the future."

"As WVU Medicine matures as an integrated system, coordination of clinical services will enable patients to receive top notch healthcare in this region and easy transfer when advanced tertiary services are required," Tillman added. "The relationship of the system and UHC has been remarkably successful. The system provides care for more than 70 percent of the population of North Central West Virginia – with the primary mission to provide great care to the people of our state."

Pictured, from left, are Thrush, Dr. Colenda and Tillman.