WVU in the News: Accelerating the development of tests for endometriosis and cancer
Translating lab discoveries into health care products requires large investments of time and resources.
Through the STTR Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hubs for IDeA States program, NIGMS helps researchers interested in transitioning their discoveries and/or inventions into products. Here are the stories of three researchers working with the XLerator Hub, which funds projects in the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico.
Lan (Nancy) Guo, Ph.D., a professor of occupational and environmental health sciences at West Virginia University in Morgantown, is developing a test that evaluates gene expression in non-small-cell lung cancer tumors to determine patients’ risk for the recurrence of cancer. The test uses a sample of a surgically removed tumor. If the result suggests a high risk of recurrence, a patient’s doctor could recommend a course of chemotherapy to help prevent it.