
Keyser Campus juniors volunteer at local health careers fair

Five Keyser Campus junior BSN students recently spent their day off during Fall Break volunteering for the WVU Medicine Potomac Valley Hospital Health Careers Fair held at the J. Edward Kelley Recreation Center on the WVU Potomac State College campus.

The fair was held to introduce early high school students to various health professions, including nursing.

Zoey Braithwaite, Kaitlyn McKenery, Hannah Loar, Brooklynn Rohrbaugh, and Breanna Bennett (pictured left to right in the photo above) hosted a hands-on display about diabetes mellitus, including prevention, management, and complications. Participants at the event especially enjoyed being able to practice injecting "insulin."

Zoey Braithwaite taught some 9th graders about the complications of diabetes, including the head-to-toe impact it may have on the blood vessels, brain, teeth, eyes, heart, kidneys, and feet. 
Brooklynn Rohrbaugh and Breanna Bennett guide two 9th graders in practicing their first “insulin” injection.
Zoey Braithwaite demonstrates how to remove air from a syringe as a 9th graders prepares to give an “insulin” injection.
Kaitlyn McKenery and Hannah Loar taught participants about blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C monitoring and the impact of portion sizes on diabetes management.