Our graduate faculty are valuable members of the education programs at the Health Sciences Center. The faculty in our graduate programs exhibit excellence in research, teaching and service to the missions of the five Schools that make up the Health Sciences Center.
Dissertation and Thesis Committees
The Graduate Faculty link provides the application for new or renewal of their graduate faculty status as well as a list of the members of the graduate faculty and the expiration dates for their current status.
The Policy on Hiring a GA by HSC Faculty should be followed for hiring a graduate assistant (research, teaching, service) to perform services outside of the student’s dissertation research. These employment relationships are outside of the any specific Memoranda of Understanding that we have with graduate programs and that involve the training of students in their dissertation research.
The HSC Graduate Council link contains the latest minutes and agendas for the monthly graduate faculty meetings. These meetings provide a forum for communication of educational issues, establishing policies, and informing our faculty representatives to the WVU Graduate Council of the needs of our programs.
Policies and Forms links you to the forms required of graduate students and to the policies that are most commonly used in governing graduate education, especially those that differ from the graduate catalog.
WVU HSC Stipend Gap Coverage for PhD Students
The Program and Course Approvals link provides directions for applying for new programs or developing new courses. In addition, this link has a table of the graduation metrics used by the Board of Governors in evaluating program viability.
Travel and International Travel Policy for faculty at the HSC is a brief guide to the necessary procedures to follow when travel is sponsored by funds from or as part of business for WVU.