Program approvals and changes:
New graduate programs must be approved by the School, the WVU Graduate Council and the Board of Governors. There are strict timetables for these approvals. Faculty desiring to develop a graduate program should meet with this office as soon as possible. Additional information on this process.
Changes to existing programs may or may not require approval. In general, substantial changes to the curricular requirements require review at least by the Associate Provost for Graduate Education. The above link provides guidelines for this as well. The Office of Research and Graduate Education is happy to help you with this process.
Board of Governors Program Reviews:
All graduate programs and certificate programs must be reviewed by the Board of Governors every 5 years.
An important part of the review is program viability and this includes meeting the recommended metrics for the number of degrees awarded during the previous 5-year cycle. The following table summarizes the current requirements:
Program Productivity Standards – Title 133, WV HEPC Policy regarding Program Review
Degree Level - Baccalaureate / Degree Awards*- 5 / Major Enrollment*- 12.5
Degree Level - Masters/1st Professional / Degree Awards* - 3 / Major Enrollment* - 6
Degree Level - Doctoral / Degree Awards* - 2 / Major Enrollment* - 4.5
*average per year for the most recent 5 years
In addition, the program assessment must address any prior 5-year reviews. The Office of Research and Graduate Education would be happy to archive a copy of your latest review for you.
Course approvals and changes:
New courses require approval by the WVU Faculty senate. Instructions for this process
You need not immediately get approval for a course. A course can be taught using the 793 number for 3 years before approval is required. This may be a good idea so that details can be perfected before getting formal approval. Any changes to approved courses that involve the title, credit hours, major content changes will require review by the Faculty senate as well.