Request for Research and Data
Pursuant to the Amended Court Order dated September 4, 2013, WVU is not authorized to release individually identifiable or individual level data to third parties under any conditions, whether such data constitutes protected health information or not. However, requestors can propose a research project, and submit code that allows the research question to be answered. Submitted code for a project that is accepted by the C8 Data Oversight Committee will be run on behalf of the submitting scientist by data holders identified in a West Virginia University IRB protocol.
For any questions related to the process of requesting C8 data for research, please contact:
To request individual reports please print out the C8 Health Project Individual Data Request Form below, and send the original, notarized copy of the form via certified mail with a signature required upon delivery along with a personal check or money order in the amount of $25 to:
Mallory Weaver
Project Coordinator
HSC Office of Research and Graduate Education
PO Box 9104 Morgantown, WV 26506 Attn. Mallory Weaver
Please make checks/money orders payable to: West Virginia University
C8 Health Project Individual Data Request Form Self
C8 Health Project Individual Data Request Form 3rd party