The newly founded IMMR Center is the first in vivo multifunctional magnetic resonance center in West Virginia which was initiated to strengthen the recognition of scientific effort in the field of functional magnetic resonance imaging and build collaborative research efforts.
Resources of the center include accumulated expertise of the members, existing and purchased EPR/NMR spectroscopic and imaging instruments, newly designed proprietary advanced instruments, a set of unique paramagnetic probes developed by the chemists of IMMR center, and mouse models of cancer available for in vivo multifunctional imaging of tumor microenvironment.
In Vivo Imaging Equipment
• L-band EPR (Magnettech, Germany) equipped with surface coil resonators for measurement of paramagnetic probes in mice
• Overhauser-enhanced MRI (OMRI, also called PEDRI – proton-electron double resonance imaging; Japan Redox Ltd) for functional imaging of paramagnetic probes in mice
• Compact MRI system (ICON, Bruker, Germany) for mouse imaging
• EPR spectrometer/imager (homebuilt) at 800 MHz for rodents
For more information see the In Vivo Multifunctional Magnetic Resonance Imaging site