The Viral Core is located in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine in the Health Sciences Center at West Virginia University. The mission of the core is twofold: to provide research grade virus to the WVU research community and to develop new viral vectors with improved efficacy. The Viral Core is at the moment focused on the packaging, purification and titration of single stranded and self-complementary adeno-associated virions of serotype 2, 7M8, 8 and 9, with additional serotypes available upon request. Virions are produced using HEK/293T cells and plasmid transfection and purified by ultracentrifugation.
- AKTA Pure 25 Chromatography System
- Sorvall WX Ultra 80 Ultracentrifuge
- AKTA Go Chromatography System
- Sorvall Lynx 6000 Centrifuge
- AKTA Start Chromatography System
- Malvern Isothermal Titration Calorimeter
- Bio-Rad Biologic Chromatography System
- Malvern Dynamic Light Scattering Detector
- Beckman LE-80K Ultracentrifuge
- Bacterial and CO 2 Incubators
Paolo Fagone | pafagone@hsc.wvu.edu | (304) 293-7728
Please remember to acknowledge support for the Viral Core in all your publications:
AAV produced at the West Virginia University Viral Core is supported by the WVU Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and the WVU HSC Office of Research and Graduate Education.