NCI Funding Opportunities by Research Topic
National Cancer Institute Funding Opportunities can be found here.
Basic Biology
Research projects in basic cancer biology are supported and coordinated through the Division of Cancer Biology (DCB).
Behavioral Research
Behavioral research in cancer prevention and control is supported by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS).
Biorepositories and Tissue Sample Collection
Development of biospecimen-related policies and practices affecting NCI Biorepositories is coordinated and managed through the Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research Branch (BBRB).
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Research contributing to the advancement of evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine practice is supported by the Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM).
Cancer Health Disparities
Basic cancer research from a health disparities perspective is supported by the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD).
Epidemiology and Cancer Control
Research in genetic, epidemiologic, behavioral, social, and surveillance cancer research is supported by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS).
HIV /AIDS and Cancer
Research on HIV/AIDS pursued throughout the NCI, including programs in AIDS-related cancer are coordinated by the Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy (OHAM).
Research supporting the application of nanotechnology to all aspects of cancer research is supported by the NCI Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer program that is managed by the Office of Cancer Nanotechnology Research (OCNR).
Physical Sciences-Oncology
Research supporting the establishment of scientific teams and individual scientists from the fields of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering to develop novel approaches for cancer research is managed by the Physical Sciences in Oncology Initiative.
Research that determines and reduces a person’s risk of developing cancer, as well as research to develop and evaluate cancer screening procedures, is supported by the Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP).
Research supporting the development of technologies and reagents that will advance our understanding of protein biology in cancer is supported by the Office of Cancer Clinical Proteomics Research (OCCPR).
Small Business and Small Business Technology Transfer
Opportunities to increase small business and private sector participation to develop and commercialize novel technologies to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer are managed by the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR and STTR) programs.
Statistical Methodology
Resources for statisticians are available from StatFund, an online resource that provides information about biostatistical funding opportunities.
Technology Development
Research supporting the development of technologies in clinical, laboratory, and epidemiological research are managed by the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies Program (IMAT).
Translational Research
Research supporting the translation of promising research areas into improved diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for cancer patients is supported by the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD).