Grant Academy Seminar Series
This seminar series will showcase educational resources on grant fundamentals. Experts will be giving presentations and answering questions to address new requirements and best practices for grant applications. All researchers interested in submitting proposals for extramural funding are welcome to attend.
- March 27, 2025 at 3:00 PM, Room 2940B HSC-N "Using SciENcv to create Biosketch" presented by Lana Yoho, Director of HSC Pre/Post Award and Mariette Barbier, PhD; Chair of Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology RSVP HERE.
- April 22, 2025 at 3:00 PM, Room 2940B HSC-N "Data Management Plans: Online Tools and Guidelines" presented by Jonah McAllister, University Libraries RSVP HERE.
- May 6, 2025 at 3:00 PM, Room 301 Erma Byrd "Clinical Research & Clinical Trials" presented by Sally Hodder, MD; Associate VP for Clinical & Translational Science and Director, WVCTSI RSVP HERE.
- September "Overview of Pre/Post Award Services" presented by Lana Yoho, Director of HSC Pre/Post Award
- October 2025 "Grant Writing 101: Getting on the Right Track from the Start" presented by Bernard Schreurs, PhD; Director, West Virginia Alzheimer's Disease Registry; Professor, Department of Neuroscience
- November 2025 "Specific Aims and Abstract" presented by Bernard Schreurs, PhD; Director of Director, West Virginia Alzheimer's Disease Registry; Professor, Department of Neuroscience
- December 2025 "Research Strategy" presented by Bernard Schreurs, PhD; Director of Director, West Virginia Alzheimer's Disease Registry; Professor, Department of Neuroscience
- January 2026 "Research Funding: Sources, Mechanisms & Opportunity Announcements" presented by Ming Lei, PhD; Sr. Associate Vice President, Office of Research and Graduate Education
Were you unable to attend a Grants Academy Seminar? Faculty have access to the SOLE site "Office of Research and Graduate Education Events" when they LOG IN to SOLE. Archived videos of presentations may be viewed here. If you believe you need access to a SOLE account, please contact Mallory Weaver at
K Grant Writing Group
Additional grant writing support is provided by the WVCTSI.
Early Proposal Development Services
This service will support the early stages of grant development. Meet with a Senior Advisor in the ORGE to discuss ideas you have been considering for a new proposal. Plan for two to three meetings to allow time for rounds of assessment, recommendations, and refinement to strengthen the overall structure of the grant and/or specific aims.
- Use this link to request assistance with eligible projects.
- The applicant will need to provide a one-page summary of the overall idea, including a description of key pieces of preliminary data and a draft of the specific aims (if available). It is not necessary to include figures at this stage; a description of findings that support the proposal is sufficient.
- Requests for this service should be made ~ 6 months (and no less than 3 months) in advance of the anticipated deadline to allow for meaningful engagement and adequate time for developing the grant.
- This service will be offered to HSC faculty and will focus on NIH R01 (or R01-equivalent) grants. Other funding mechanisms such as the K series, R03 and P01 will not be eligible for this service.
- Requests not following the instructions will be returned. Please contact Ms. Mallory Weaver, Project Coordinator in the HSC ORGE, if you have any questions.
**Sr. Research Advisors assisting with this service: Bernard Schruers and Bethany Gibbs (for population and epidemiology studies)
Pre-Submission Review
This service will provide internal reviews by senior faculty members before a grant is submitted. Two Senior Advisors will review your proposal and provide their top 3 recommendations to improve your grant.
- Use this link to request assistance with eligible proposals.
- The applicant will need to provide relevant documents (project summary, specific aims, research plan, references, biosketches) as a single PDF for the review.
- Requests for this service must be made at least 3 weeks prior to the internal submission deadline to ensure sufficient time to incorporate recommendations.
- This service will be offered to HSC faculty and will focus on the NIH R01 (or R01-equivalent) grants. Other funding mechanisms such as the K series, R03 and P01 will not be eligible for this service.
- Applicants are expected to have their proposal reviewed by their chair or mentoring committee prior to requesting this service.
- Requests not following the instructions will be returned. Please contact Ms. Mallory Weaver, Project Coordinator in the HSC ORGE, if you have any questions.
**Sr. Research Advisors assisting with this service: Stanley Hileman and Timothy Eubank