Finding Funding Sources
Before you can seek a grant, you need information about available options. Resources are available to assist faculty in searching for active funding sources.
Determining Eligibility
Please contact the HSC Pre-Award team as soon as possible for assistance in determining eligibility for funding opportunities, including funding sources with a limited submission restriction. Additional institutional guidance is available on processes for limited submission opportunities.
Developing a Proposal
Please contact the HSC Pre-Award team as soon as possible for assistance, including step-by-step procedures for developing your proposal. Additional institutional resources are available to assist faculty in proposal development.
Routing & Submitting a Proposal
Your assigned HSC Pre-Award Support team member will initiate and help you to navigate the system for routing and submitting your proposal. Additional institutional guidance is available on proposal preparation and submission policy.
Initiating and Setting up a Project
An assigned Post-Award team member will work with you to facilitate establishing your new award with OSP and follow-up by providing guidance on resources available to get started on your project. Additional information can be obtained from OSP’s Award Initiation and Management Unit.
Managing a Project
Please contact the HSC Post-Award team for assistance with your new sponsored project/agreement. An experienced team member will be assigned to help you navigate the financial cost compliance and programmatic requirements for your project.
Capitalized Assets on a Sponsored Project
Please contact the HSC Post-Award team for inquiries regarding the University’s policies regarding property management and capitalized assets. Additional guidance is available on University policies essential to Property Administration.
Close Out Projects
Once the project is concluded, there are typically agency required reporting to complete and submit. An assigned HSC Post-Award team member will help you to facilitate the paperwork required for closing out your project.
Research Integrity and Compliance
Additional information is available on institutional guidance for Research Integrity and Compliance including Human Subjects Research (IRB), Animal Care and Use (IACUC), Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), Conflict of Interest in Research (COI) and Research using Biohazardous Materials. (IBC).