Weekly Research Updates & Guidance 

Please check this page regularly for guidance and research updates.

Last updated: 2/21/25

NIH General Announcements and Notices of Special Interest     

Supplemental Guidance to the 2024 NIH Grants Policy Statement: Indirect Cost Rates


Office of the Director, NIH

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards a large number of grants providing substantial federal funding for research purposes.  These grants include significant payments for “indirect costs,” defined as “facilities” and “administration.”  45 CFR 75.414(a). The “facilities” category is “defined as depreciation on buildings, equipment and capital improvements, interest on debt associated with certain buildings, equipment and capital improvements, and operations and maintenance expenses.”  Id.  And the “administration” category is defined as “general administration and general expenses such as the director’s office, accounting, personnel, and all other types of expenditures not listed specifically under one of the subcategories of ‘Facilities”’ (including cross allocations from other pools, where applicable).

NSF – National Science Foundation General Announcements 

Department of Defense (DOD)

Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) pre-announcements for Department of Defense (DOD) programs managed by the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP).

The FY25 Defense Appropriations Bill has not been signed into law. The CDMRP is unable to release new funding opportunities under the current Continuing Resolution. The CDMRP is providing pre-announcement information to allow investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to anticipated funding opportunities should CDMRP receive FY25 appropriations. Pre-announcements should not be construed as an obligation or promise by the government.  Once funding is available, CDMRP funding opportunities will be posted on the Grants.gov website. Pre-application and application deadlines will be available when opportunities are released, contingent upon future funding.

FY25 Pre-announcements released:

The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research Program (ALSRP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunities:

  • Pilot Clinical Trial Award
  • Clinical Outcomes and Biomarkers Award
  • Therapeutic Development Award
  • Therapeutic Idea Award

To view the pre-announcement, visit https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/press/2025/25alsrppreann

The Autism Research Program (ARP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunities:

  • Career Development Award
  • Clinical Trial Award
  • Discovery Award
  • Idea Development Award

To view the pre-announcement, visit https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/press/2025/25arppreann

The Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunities:

  • Pilot Award
  • Investigator-Initiated Research Award
  • Ovarian Cancer Academy – Early-Career Investigator Award
  • Ovarian Cancer Clinical Trial Academy – Early-Career Investigator Award
  • Clinical Trial Translational Endpoints Award
  • Clinical Trial Award

To view the pre-announcement, visit https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/press/2025/25ocrppreann

The Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Research Program (TSCRP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunities:

  • Clinical Translational Research Award
  • Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award
  • Idea Development Award

To view the pre-announcement, visit https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/press/2025/25tscrppreann

The Vision Research Program (VRP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunity:

  • Mentored Clinical Research Award

To view the pre-announcement, visit https://cdmrp.health.mil/pubs/press/2025/25vrppreann

The VRP anticipates releasing a pre-announcement for additional funding opportunities in March 2025.

BrightFocus Foundation

American Heart Association

PCORI – Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Research Forrest