Mentor/Mentee Tips

Communicating Expectations


  • Communicate your expectations of your mentee
  • Create a plan with your mentees of how to achieve milestones on the way to reaching their goals
  • Adapt your feedback to your mentee’s learning and communication styles, etc.
  • Set realistic timelines


  • Communicate your expectations of your mentor
  • Discuss your goals with your mentor and create a plan of how you will achieve milestones on the way to reaching your goals
  • Inform your Mentor about your learning and communication preferences
  • Set realistic timelines

Working Together


  • Advise your mentees on what you know and admit the things you don’t know so they can seek help elsewhere for those things
  • Build on your mentee’s strengths and recognize their weaknesses
  • Offer constructive feedback
  • Evaluate progress
  • Be your mentee’s cheerleader when they progress toward or reach their goals
  • Be consistent and reliable


  • Listen and contribute to the conversation
  • Understand that your mentor will not have all the answers, and be prepared to seek out other resources as needed
  • Accept constructive feedback
  • Evaluate progress
  • Celebrate success and assess any shortcomings
  • Be consistent and reliable

Conclusion and Follow-Up


  • Follow up on successes
  • Provide an evaluation of the experience
  • Thank your mentee
  • Repeat the mentoring process with others


  • Update your mentor on your continued success
  • Provide an evaluation of the experience
  • Thank your mentor