HSTA Publications


Benson McKendall, S., McKendall, A.R., & Chester, A. (2023). The development and validation of an academic, work health sciences, and community intentions scale for out-of-school-time (OST) participants. Evaluation and program planning, 96, 102190 .


McKendall, S.B., McKendall, A., Kuhn, S., Morton, C., McMillion, M., & Freeland, S. (2021). The Health Sciences and Technology Academy: Re-imagining programmatic delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of STEM Outreach, 4, 4, 1-15.

 McKendall, S.B., McKendall, A., Chester, A., Morton, C., Freeland, S., Kuhn, S., & McMillion, M. (2021). High School Students’ Learning During the COVID Pandemic: Perspectives from Health Sciences and Technology Academy Participants. Journal of STEM Outreach, 4, 1, 1-13.


Chester, A., McKendall, S., McKendall, A., Mann, M., Kristjansson, A., Branch, R., Hornbeck, B., Morton, C., Kuhn, S., Smith Branch, F., & Barnes-Rowland, C. (2020). The Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA): Providing 26 years of Academic and Social Support to Appalachian Youth in West Virginia. Journal of STEM Outreach. https://www.jstemoutreach.org/article/17703-the-health-sciences-and-technology-academy-hsta-providing-26-years-of-academic-and-social-support-to-appalachian-youth-in-west-virginia


McKendall, S. B., McKendall, A., & Chester, A. (2019). A Comparison of Academic Performance Measures of HSTA Participants with Non-HSTA Participants: Is It Possible to Narrow the African American-White Achievement Gap? Journal of STEM Outreach, 2, 1, 1-10.


 McKendall, S., McKendall, A., & Chester, A. (2018). A Comparison of Pre-College Enrichment Program Participants and Non-Participants: College Academic Performance Measures. http://www.seinforms.org.

 Smith, F., McKendall, S., Chester, A., Hornbeck, B., & McKendall, A. (2018). Demonstrating the Efficacy of the Health Sciences and Technology Academy: Using Archival Standardized Test Scores to Analyze an OST College-Preparatory Program for Underserved Youth. Journal of STEM Outreach, I, 1-11.

 Chester, A., Hanks, S., Kuhn, S., Jones, F., White, T., Harris, M., Hornbeck, B., McKendall, S., McMillion, M., Morton, C., Slusser, M., & Saunders, R. (2018). Social Media Based STEM Enrichment Curriculum Positively Impacts Rural Adolescent Health Measures, 1, 2.

 Siciliano, P., Hornbeck, B., Hanks, S., Kuhn, S., Zbehlik, A., & Chester, A. (2018). Taking a Look at the Health Science and Technology Academy (HSTA). Journal of STEM Outreach, l, 1, 1.


 McKendall, A., Iskander, W., McKendall, S., & Chester, A. (2015). An Application of a Generalized Assignment Problem: assigning recruiters to geographical locations. International Journal of Operational Research, 22, 1.


 Curtis, R., Matthew, S., Georgieva, Z., Smith, M., Moore, L., Chester, A., & McKendall, S. (2014). Rural Student Voices to Improve Educational Attainment Oriented Programs. Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1, 66-73.

McKendall S., Kasten, K., Hanks, S., & Chester, A. (2014). The Health Sciences and Technology Academy: An Educational Pipeline to Address Health Care Disparities in West Virginia. Academic Medicine.


 Morton-McSwain, C. (2013). HSTA: A case study. An examination of Community Perception of a 9th-12th Grade After School Pipeline Program. [Doctoral dissertation, West Virginia University].

 Hanks S., Morton-McSwain, Kuhn, S., McMillion, M., Schelbert, K., Pancoska, P., Chester, A., & Branch, R. (2013). Micro-CBPR in Adolescent-Led Health Care Advocacy as a Self-Help for Obesity Management in Rural Appalachia. Submitted to Clinical Translational Journal.

 Hanks, S., Chester, A., Morton-McSwain, C., Kuhn, S., McMillion, M., Paulsen, S., Para, U., Groark, S., Cannon, Y., & Branch, R. Obesity Management Organized by Adolescents in Rural Appalachia. Obesity Interventions in Underserved U.S. Populations: Evidence and Directions (V Brennan, S Kumanyike, R Zambrana, eds). John Hopkins University Press (In Press).

McKendall, A., Iskander, W., McKendall, S., & Chester, A. (2013). An Application of a Generalized Assignment Problem: Assigning Recruiters to Geographical Locations. International Journal of Operational Research.


 Branch, R., Chester, A., Morton-Mcswain, C., Al Ayubi, S., Bhat Schelbert, K., Brimson, P., Buch, S., Cannon, Y., Groark, S., Hanks, S., Nukui, T., Pancoska, P., Parmanto, B., Paulsen, S., & Wahl, E. (2011). A Novel Approach To Adolescent Obesity In Rural Appalachia Of West Virginia: Educating Adolescents As Family Health Coaches And Research Investigators, Topics In The Prevention, Treatment And Complications Of Type 2 Diabetes, Mark B. Zimering (Ed.). Intech. http://www.Intechopen.Com/Articles/Show/Title/A-Novel-Approach-To-Adolescent-Obesity-In-Rural-Appalachia-Of-West-Virginia-Educating-Adolescents-As.

 Chester, A., & Dooley, E. (2011). West Virginia University’s Health Sciences And Technology Academy. Journal Of Higher Education Outreach And Engagement, 15, 3, 87-99.


 Bardwell, G., Branch, R.A., Buch, S., Cecchetti, A., Chester, A., Groark, S., Morton, C., Pancoska, P., Parmanto, B., Paulson, S., & Vecchio, M. (2009). Family and Social Networks with Obesity and Diabetes Type II in Rural Appalachia. Clinical Translation Science, 2, 6.

 Chester, A., & Branch, R.A. (2009). Community Based Participatory Clinical Research in Obesity by Adolescents; Pipeline for Researchers of the Future. Clinical Translation Science, 2, 5.

 Bardwell, G., Branch, R.A., Buch, S., Cecchetti, A., Chester, A., Groark, S., Morton, C., Pancoska, P., Paulsen, S., & Vecchio, M. (2009). Feasability of Adolescents to Conduct Community Based Participatory Research on Obesity and Diabetes in Rural Appalachia. Clinical Translation Science.

 Vitullo, E.A., Zizzi, S., Rye, J., & O, N. (2009). Empowering Youth Through Research: Adolescents' Perceptions Of Physical Activity Intervention In Appalachian Communities. Journal Of Rural Community Development, 4.1.


 Rye, J., 0'hara-Tompkins, N., Aleshire, J., & Mcclure, D. (2008). Increasing Physical Activity Opportunities In A Rural Community Through A Participatory School-Based Project That Engaged Youth. Rural Educator, 30.1, 39-48.

 Aleshire, J., McClure, D., Rye, J., & O'Hara-Tompkins, N. (2008). Increasing Physical Activity Opportunities in a Rural Community Through a Participatory School-Based Project that Engaged Youth. Journal of Rural Community Development, 30.1.

Rye, J., 0'Hara-Tompkins, N., Aleshire, J., & McClure, D. (2008). Adolescents and Teachers as Partners in a School-Based Research Project to Increase Physical Activity Opportunities in a Rural Community. 30, 1, 39-48.


Bardwell, J., Chester, A., Fitch, C., Mujuru, P., Seidel, G., Sogodogo, K., & Hu, W. (2007). Engaging Youth to Examine Lifestyle Behaviors through International Research with University Partnership. International Electronic Journal of Health Education, 10, 95-103.

 Bardwell, J., Herold, R., & Mujuru, P. (2007). Walk for Life. Third International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.

Cool, T., Rye, J., Richards, A., Mauk, D., Waterworth, B., & Poling, J. (2007). Science as a Moving Experience for All Learners. Science Teachers, 74.9, 53-57.

Rye, J., & Smolski, S. (2007). Pedometer and Human Energy Balance Applications for Science Instruction. Science Activities, 44, 3, 95-104.


 Osei-Yeboah, C., & Mujuru, P. (2000-2006). Use of Technology to Bridge the Gap in Science Education and Health: An Education Outreach Initiative. The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 3.3, 53-58.


 Bardwell, J., & Kincaid, E. (2005). A Rationale for Culture Awareness in the Science Classroom. Science Teacher, 72.3, 32-35.

 Rye, J., Zizzi, S., Vitullo, E., & O'Hara-Tompkins, N. (2005). The Pedometer as a Tool to Enrich Science Learning in the Context of Public Health. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 14, 521-531.

 Thompkins, N.O., Rye, J., Vitullo, E., & Zizzi, E. (2005). Engaging Underserved, Rural Youth in Physical Activity Promotion Research in an After-School Setting. Preventing Chronic Disease, 2, A15.

 Thompkins, N.O., Rye, J., Vitullo, E., & Zizzi, E. (2005). Impact of Four-Week Pedometer Intervention on High School Students' Daily Step Counts and Perception of Physical Activity.  American Journal of Health Education.


 Gomez, L.M. (2004). The Selection of Counties and Locations of Field Site Coordinators. [Master Dissertation, West Virginia University].


 Chester, A., Brown, W., McKendall, S., Moreno, C., & Phillips, C. (2003). Evaluations for Novices. National AHEC Bulletin.


 Bardwell, G., Hyde, J., Lewis, J., Morton-McSwain, C., Rye, J., & Simoyi, P. (2001). Teens Take a Healthy Interest in their Communities. ENC Focus, 8.1, 40-42.

 Chester, A., Bowers, M., Bushy, A., Huppert, M., & Jiang, S. (2001). A National Agenda for Rural Minority Healthy Series: Recruitment and Training of Health Professionals. National Rual Health Associations.

 Nisan-Nelson, P. D. (2001). Technology Integration: A Case of Professional Development. (2001). Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10.3, 223-235.

 Rye, J. (2001). Enhancing Teachers' Use Of Technology Through Professional Development On Electronic Concept Mapping. Journal Of Science Education And Technology, 10.3, 223-235.


 Dooley, E., & Bardwell, G. (2000). Mentors in Medicine. Science Teacher, 67, 3.

 McKendall, S., Simoyi, P., Chester, A., & Rye, J. (2000). The Health Sciences and Technology Academy: Untilizing Pre-College Enrichment Programming to Minimize Post-Secondary Education Barriers for Underserved Youth. Academic Medicine, 75, 10, S121-S123.


 Rye, J. (1999). Exploring Dietary Kilocalories: An Activity Exemplifying the Personal Value of Science and Mathematics. School Science and Mathematics.

Rye, J., Bardwell G., & Hu, J. (1999). Connecting Science, Health and Technology through Authentic Investigation. Science Educator, 8, 19-24.

Rye, J., Bardwell, G., & Priselac, N. (1999). Connecting Science, Math and Health: Applications of the Graphing Calculator in Teacher Professional Development and Student Academic Enrichment. Education of Teachers of Science (AETS), 443, 681.

 Rye, J., & Bardwell, G. (1999). A Model and Strategies for Realizing Secondary Level Interdisciplinary Instruction. Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science, 713-719.


 Rye, J. (1998). Teacher Professional Development Through an Academic Enrichment Program for Under-Represented Secondary Students In West Virginia. Rural Educator, 19.3 (7-14), 713-719.


 Rye, J. (1997). Grape Expectations. Science Teacher, 64(6), 41-46.

 Rye, J. (1997). Grape Expectations. Science Teacher, 65, 41-46.


 Bock, S. (1996). Program Fosters Young Students' Pursuit of Health Sciences Careers. Rural Health, 18.5, 16-17.