HSTA Graduates
Welcome HSTA graduates!
We, at HSTA would like to wish all HSTA graduates the best in life. We know you will be a success no matter what you plan to do. We created this page hoping to help each of you to find the information you need to maintain and use your HSTA waiver, including who to contact, what are the HSTA guidelines, and what graduate and professional school waivers are available.
- Check out the basic HSTA rules and guidelines
- Get answers from “HSTA waiver Quick Start guide".
- Who can answer your HSTA questions? This can be found in the “Waiver College Contact” document.
- The list of majors that provide the HSTA waiver at the graduate and professional level is available under Eligible Graduate School Waiver Majors. This link has the three colleges that provide HSTA waiver at the graduate and professional school level
- Be sure to submit your HSTA waiver form no later than March 1 of each school year.
If you have any other questions about being a HSTA waiver graduate please contact Kas Kasten
@ kkasten@hsc.wvu.edu
Kas Kasten
Graduate Coordinator
HSTA Waiver Information Video - Everything you need to know!