Call for Applications: BBS Diversity in Research and Education Scholarships
Deadline is Wednesday, June 16
Call for Applications: BBS Diversity in Research and Education Scholarships
General Information
We are pleased to announce the availability of Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) T32 Training Program scholarships for 2021. These scholarships are made in recognition of the Health Science Center’s and T32 Training Program’s continued support to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion across scientific disciplines. Selection will focus on research and service, including community-related outreach or clinical service, that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion either within academia or the local community/rural Appalachia. Up to three $1,500 scholarships will be offered.
Eligible applicants include graduate students (MS, PhD, or MD/PhD) currently enrolled in a related program. Preference will be given to students in the first three years of their graduate program. Both U.S. citizens and non-citizens are encouraged to apply.
Application Procedure
Applications will be reviewed by current T32 appointees. A complete application will include the following:
- An up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
- A one to two page statement outlining the following:
a) how the applicant’s research interests relate to the goals of the BBS program
b) how the applicant’s research interests, university-related service, community related outreach/service, or clinical work promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion either within academia as a whole, a specific scientific community, or the local community/rural Appalachia
c) how scholarship funds will be used (note, these funds can be used for research OR a specific diversity, equity and inclusion initiative)
d) any additional information that might not have been captured elsewhere in the application that you would like the appointees to consider while reviewing your application
Formatting of the statement should include 1-in. margins, size 12 font, and Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman font. - A brief letter of support from the applicant’s mentor or primary advisor
Application deadline is June 16th, 2021.
Applications should be emailed to Alexandria Ebert ( with "Diversity in Research and Education Scholarship" as the subject of the email, by the application deadline. No late submissions will be reviewed.
For more information, visit the BBS T32 training program website.