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HSCommunity: Inclusive Cancer Screening Tool Now Available

HSCommunity: Inclusive Cancer Screening Tool Now Available

June 2021: Inclusive online cancer screening tool now available for WVU Medicine employees

Through a partnership with the West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program, employees can now use a new, online WVU Medicine Employee Cancer Screening Eligibility Tool to determine screening recommendations and possible risk factors.

The goal of the cancer screening eligibility tool is to help reduce barriers transgender and gender-diverse employees face when screening for cancers associated with sex organs.

Providing a private way for employees to learn about their cancer screening needs, the cancer screening eligibility tool empowers employees to initiate important conversations with their healthcare providers.

By using the WVU Medicine Employee Cancer Screening Eligibility Tool, employees receive education about when to begin screening, what methods of screening are available, and information to help employees talk to their provider about personal screening needs based on family history and other risk factors.

WVU Medicine employees and their spouses who have WVU Medicine insurance plans can earn 100 wellness points for completing cancer screenings, which accrue to provide discounts on insurance premiums. The cancer screening eligibility tool provides easy access to scheduling a screening appointment – Look for the MyWVUChart: Schedule a Visit link at the bottom of the tool page. 

As the state’s largest employer, WVU Medicine understands that caring for the health of our employees is simply protecting our greatest asset – our people. Helping employees overcome barriers to cancer screening is an important investment in the health of our workforce.