Below is a list of upcoming events: (please check back regularly)  

Thursday, February 6

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Nathaniel Rader, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, February 10

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series 

Dr. Takashi Kozai, “Parallel Translation of Intracortical Microstimulation: Addressing Perceptual Fading through Inhibition, Metabolic Stress Reduction, and Gliomodulation.”

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, February 11

DNP Final Project Presentation

"Implementation of an Evidenced Based Enteral Nutrition Protocol for Mechanically Ventilated Patients: A Quality Improvement Initiative"

Hannah Nuzum 

10:00 AM via Zoom 

Evening of Science

Focus on: Paths for Commercialization of Research

3:00 PM | HSC North - Room 2940B

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Wednesday, February 12

Cancer Cell Biology Spring Seminar Series

Speaker - Rachel Abbotts, MD/PhD, West Virginia University

“Therapeutic ‘viral mimicry’: Harnessing cytosolic antiviral recognition for cancer therapy”

12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd

Non-Academic Careers in Science Seminar Series

"My Journey to Landing That First Industry Role: A PhD Pivot Story"

Summer Kim, PhD Consumer Intelligence Analysis, BarkleyOKRP

4:00 PM | Zoom

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Thursday, February 13

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Paris Taylor, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, February 17

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series 

Dr. Geoffrey Adams 

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, February 18

Coffee & Tea with Dr. Ming Lei - Graduate Students and Postdocs

11:00 AM-12:00 PM | Ground Floor Erma Byrd Lobby

If you plan to attend, please RSVP

Grants Academy Seminar Series

"Getting started with Huron for Grant Submissions"

WVU Office of Sponsored Programs

3:00 PM | HSC North, Room 2940B

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Thursday, February 20

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Invited Speaker, George Liechti, PhD (Uniformed Services University)

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, February 24

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series

Dr. Matthew Smith

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, February 25

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Seminar Series 

Jason M. Miller, MD, PhD

12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N

February 19-21

TRCCC 27th Annual Meeting

Seven Springs Mountain Resort
Champion, PA

Wednesday, Feburary 26

Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series 

Jinge Wang, PhD, "AI Attempts in Comprehending Images in Cancer Research and Diagnosis"

12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd

Thursday, February 27

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Maeve Morris, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, March 3

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series

Dr. Rob Gaunt, "Bidirectional brain-computer interfaces to restore upper limb function"

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Thursday, March 6

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Benjamin Duncan, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Wednesday, March 12

Non-Academic Careers in Science Seminar Series

4:00 PM

Speaker details coming soon.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Thursday, March 13

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Invited Speaker, Jin Chen, PhD, FAMIA (University of Alabama Birmingham)

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Grants Academy Seminar Series

"Using SciENcv to create a Biosketch & Other Support Documents"

Mariette Barbier, PhD & Lana Yoho

3:00 PM | HSC North, Room 2940B

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Tuesday, March 25 

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Keji Zhao, PhD

12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N

Wednesday, March 26

Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series

Speaker - Mohamed Ismail, PhD, The Francis Crick Institute 

“Discovery of P13K Inhibitors That Block The Interaction With RAS Proteins, An Academic and Pharmaceutical Collaboration on a Translational Drug Discovery Project – A Combined Effort to Discover Future Cancer Therapies”

12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd

Thursday, March 27

Coffee & Tea with Dr. Ming Lei - Faculty 

9:30-10:30 AM | Ground Floor Erma Byrd Lobby

If you plan to attend, please RSVP

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Quinn Hopen, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, March 31

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series - Dr. Elvira Pirondini, “Potentioation of Cortico-Spinal and Cortico-Bulbar Output Via Targeted Electrical Stimulation of the Motor Thanlamus”

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, April 1

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine 

Jonathan Bird, PhD

12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N

Thursday, April 3

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Alyson Stevens, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Wednesday, April 9

Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series

Monica Venere, PhD, Ohio State University 

"The Mitotic Kinesin, KIF11, in the Developing & Neoplastic Brain"

12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd

ORGE CORE Facilities Showcase, as part of Research Week

1:00 - 2:30 PM | HSC Pylons

Non-Academic Careers in Science Seminar Series

4:00 PM

Speaker details coming soon.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Thursday, April 10 

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Annalisa Huckaby, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, April 14

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series

Dr. Tyler Reekes, "Predilection for Perplexion: Preoperative microstructural damage is linked to postoperative delirium"

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, April 15

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Xiao-Feng Yang, MD, PhD

12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N

Wednesday, April 16

Cancer Cell Biology Spring Seminar Series

David W. Ussery, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

"Using Chat-GPT in Teaching Bioinformatics"

12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd

Tuesday, April 22

Grants Academy Seminar Series

"Data Management Plans: Online Tools and Guidelines"

Jonah, McAllister, University Libraries

3:00 PM | HSC North, Room 2940B

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Thursday, April 24

Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series

Lillie Powell, Graduate Student Presentation

11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N

Monday, April 28

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series

Dr. David Martinelli, "The pleiotropic C1Q-like proteins regulate both synapses and oligodendrocyte maturation"

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, April 29

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Jon Iker Etchegaray, PhD

12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N

Wednesday, April 30

Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series 

Alper Uzun, MS, PhD, "Bridging Genomic Data to Disease Insights: Comprehensive Tools for Analyzing Variants, Networks and Gene Expression"

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Monday, May 5

Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series 

Dr. Katharine Smith

12:00 PM | 301 BMRC

Tuesday, May 6

Grants Academy Seminar Series

"Clinical Research & Clinical Trials"

Sally Hodder, PhD

3:00 PM | 301 BMRC  

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Wednesday, May 14

Non-Academic Careers in Science Seminar Series

4:00 PM

Speaker details coming soon.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP.

Research Forrest