Wednesday, March 26
Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series
Speaker - Mohamed Ismail, PhD, The Francis Crick Institute
“Discovery of P13K Inhibitors That Block The Interaction With RAS Proteins, An Academic and Pharmaceutical Collaboration on a Translational Drug Discovery Project – A Combined Effort to Discover Future Cancer Therapies”
12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd
Thursday, March 27
Coffee & Tea with Dr. Ming Lei - Faculty
9:30-10:30 AM | Ground Floor Erma Byrd Lobby
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series
Quinn Hopen, Graduate Student Presentation
11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N
Grants Academy Seminar Series
"Using SciENcv to create a Biosketch & Other Support Documents"
Mariette Barbier, PhD & Lana Yoho
3:00 PM | HSC North, Room 2940B
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Monday, March 31
Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series
Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series - Dr. Elvira Pirondini, “Potentioation of Cortico-Spinal and Cortico-Bulbar Output Via Targeted Electrical Stimulation of the Motor Thanlamus”
12:00 PM | 301 BMRC
Tuesday, April 1
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Jonathan Bird, PhD
12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N
Wednesday, April 2
Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Program
Rhiannon Macom, Graduate Student Dissertation Defense
"Therapeutic Roles for Alkaline Phosphatases to Target Intestinal Dysfunction in Mouse Models of Experimental Sepsis and Ischemic Stroke."
11:00 AM | Room 3084 HSC-N
Thursday, April 3
Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series
Alyson Stevens, Graduate Student Presentation
11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N
April 7 - 11
Graduate Student Appreciation Week
Monday, April 7
Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Program
Shokofeh Rahimpour, Graduate Student Dissertation Defense
"Reprogramming of immunometabolic functions in brain microvascular endothelial cells during neuroinflamammation: Insights from ischemic stroke sepsis"
10:00 AM | Room 1909 HSC-N
Tuesday, April 8
Graduate Education and Life
Snack and Swag event
1:00 - 3:00 PM | HSC Pylons
Wednesday, April 9
Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series
Monica Venere, PhD, Ohio State University
"The Mitotic Kinesin, KIF11, in the Developing & Neoplastic Brain"
12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd
ORGE CORE Facilities Showcase, as part of Research Week
1:00 - 2:30 PM | HSC Pylons
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Non-Academic Careers in Science Seminar Series
4:00 PM
Speaker details coming soon.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Thursday, April 10
HSC Office of Research & Graduate Education
Graduate Student Appreciation Brunch
9:30 - 11:00 AM | Ground Floor Lobby, Erma Byrd
Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series
Annalisa Huckaby, Graduate Student Presentation
11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N
Monday, April 14
Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr. Tyler Reekes, "Predilection for Perplexion: Preoperative microstructural damage is linked to postoperative delirium"
12:00 PM | 301 BMRC
Tuesday, April 15
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
"Immunity and Metabolic Diseases"
Xiao-Feng Yang, MD, PhD
12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N
Wednesday, April 16
Cancer Cell Biology Spring Seminar Series
David W. Ussery, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
"Using Chat-GPT in Teaching Bioinformatics"
12:00 PM | 301 Erma Byrd
Tuesday, April 22
Grants Academy Seminar Series
"Data Management Plans: Online Tools and Guidelines"
Jonah, McAllister, University Libraries
3:00 PM | HSC North, Room 2940B
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Thursday, April 24
Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis Seminar Series
Lillie Powell, Graduate Student Presentation
11:00 AM | 2118 HSC-N
Monday, April 28
Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr. David Martinelli, "The pleiotropic C1Q-like proteins regulate both synapses and oligodendrocyte maturation"
12:00 PM | 301 BMRC
Tuesday, April 29
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Jon Iker Etchegaray, PhD
12:00 PM | 3129 HSC-N
Wednesday, April 30
Cancer Cell Biology Seminar Series
Alper Uzun, MS, PhD, "Bridging Genomic Data to Disease Insights: Comprehensive Tools for Analyzing Variants, Networks and Gene Expression"
12:00 PM | 301 BMRC
Monday, May 5
Department of Neuroscience Seminar Series
Dr. Katharine Smith
12:00 PM | 301 BMRC
Tuesday, May 6
Grants Academy Seminar Series
"Clinical Research & Clinical Trials"
Sally Hodder, PhD
3:00 PM | 301 BMRC
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Wednesday, May 14
Special Seminar: Recent Research Awards at the HSC
2:00 PM | 2940B HSC-N
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.
Non-Academic Careers in Science Seminar Series
4:00 PM
Speaker details coming soon.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP.