About Community Leadership
HSTA students rely heavily on adult volunteers. The volunteers are usually parents; mentors, such as physicians, pharmacists, dentists and nurses; and people from the community around them.
The volunteers help with community-based programs, which consist of academic enrichment projects that help further develop the skills, emphasize observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, analysis and communication.
All Local Governing Boards (LGB) and the Joint Governing Board (JGB) are made up of volunteers who live in the communities. The LGB and JGB play a big part in HSTA's policies and procedures.
This process of utilizing adult volunteer leaders to support youth learning and experiences has been extremely successful in HSTA. HSTA thanks all volunteers and appreciates all their help and feedback.
If you want to volunteer and become part of the HSTA family, please contact your local Field Site Coordinator.
Governing Boards
The HSTA Local Governing Board (LGB) governs the local regions’ program using policies set by the Joint Governing Board (JGB). The LGB includes representatives from HSTA’s regions’ community. The LGB should include a Community Representative, Education Representative, Health Care Representative, a parent of a HSTA Student Representative and a HSTA Student Representative.
The HSTA LGB members are nominated and elected by the regions.
Each region sets their LGB meetings schedule. Agendas, location information, and/or directions for connecting online are provided to LGB members by the Field Site Coordinator (FSC) before each meeting.
The boards shall use protocol and procedures as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order. A LGB Quorum shall exist when 51% of the voting members are present.