Apply to HSTA
- Complete the online application by your regions deadline.
- All applications must include a copy of the student’s first semester’s grade card.
- Students will be accepted into HSTA, if slots are available in their region, until October 1st of their 9th grade year.
Candidates must be in the 8th grade, working on an eighth grade level, a United States citizen, a WV resident, attend an approved school in a HSTA County/Region, have at least a 2.5 GPA and have an interest in Health Sciences and/or STEM+M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics + Medical)
The criteria for admission are as follows: Students do not need to meet all Criteria to Apply.
- Low Income (see guideline information below)
- First Generation College (neither parent is a four year college graduate)
- Students living in Rural Areas
Low Income may be asked to submit one of the following:
- Two most current pay stubs
- Tax returns
- W-2
- A letter from the DHHR stating you are currently receiving program assistance
In order to complete the application you will need:
- Parent/Guardian
- Current GPA
- WVEIS Number
- Student will be asked to complete two essays:
a) Why do you want to participate in the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA)?
b) What career field are you interested in pursuing? Briefly explain why.
Application Eligibility Criteria will be reviewed, acted on and approved anonymously by the LGB.
There are no automatic guarantees of acceptance into the HSTA program.