Field Site Coordinators

Field Site Coordinators (FSC) are located in 11 regions across the state. FSC's live in the community and serve as a vital role to our HSTA students, their families, teachers, local schools and the local resources to facilitate the connections between HSTA and the community. The FSC's are the bridge between the community and the state-wide HSTA program. Field Site Coordinators attend HSTA Local Governing Board meetings in their region, buy supplies for student projects, communicate with students' families, keep track of students' attendance and grades, lead local governing board meetings, and serve on the Joint Governing Board. They are an integral part of what makes HSTA a success.

Regional Brag sheet's

The Regional Brag sheet show the yearly, progress and success of the students in that regions of the communities.

FSC Monthly Reports 

 *Submit directly by visiting the Redcap project FSC Report 2023-2024.

Teacher Appraisal