Building Codes
This is a handy list of various building codes found on the Morgantown campus. Code suffixes indicate the campus area where the building can be found (D for downtown, E for Evansdale and H for Health Sciences).
Jump to: Downtown, Evansdale, Health Sciences, Other
- ARH-D: Arnold Hall
- ARM-D: Armstrong Hall
- ARN-D: Arnold Apartments
- BKH-D: Brooks Hall
- BRF-D: Boreman Residential Faculty
- BRN-D: Boreman Hall North
- BRS-D: Boreman Hall South
- BUE-D: Business & Economics Building
- CHI-D: Chitwood Hall
- CKH-D: Clark Hall
- CLN-D: Colson Hall
- CP0-D: 366 College Park Apartments
- CP1-D: 367 College Park Apartments
- CP2-D: 379 College Park Apartments
- CP3-D: 380 College Park Apartments
- CP4-D: 381 College Park Apartments
- CP5-D: 394 College Park Apartments
- CP6-D: 395 College Park Apartments
- CP7-D: 401 College Park Apartments
- CP8-D: 411 College Park Apartments
- CP9-D: 421 College Park Apartments
- CRL-D: Chemistry Research Laboratory
- DAD-D: Dadisman Hall
- EDS-D: Electrical Distribution Systems
- EIE-D: Eiesland Hall
- EMH-D: Elizabeth Moore Hall
- FH1-D: 650 Spruce
- FH2-D: 660 North High
- FH3-D: 670 North High
- FH4-D: 672 North High
- FH5-D: 216 Belmar
- FH6-D: 225 Belmar
- GSK-D: Gaskins House
- GW-D: General Woodworking
- HOD-D: Hodges Hall
- HON-D: Honors Hall
- KNP-D: Knapp Hall
- LIB-D: Charles C. Wise, Jr. Library
- LSB-D: Life Sciences Building
- MAR-D: Martin Hall
- MHH-D: Ming Hsieh Hall
- MTL-D: Mountainlair
- NDL-D: New Downtown Library
- OGH-D: Oglebay Hall
- OWP-D: One Waterfront Place
- PUR-D: Purinton House
- RWW-D: Retaining Walls, walkways
- SDS-D: Steam Dirstribution Systems
- SMT-D: Summit
- SPH-D: International House
- SSC-D: Student Services Center
- STA-D: Stansbury Hall
- STH-D: Stewart Hall
- STL-D: Stalnaker Hall
- SUM-D: Summer School Housing Downtown
- VNB-D: Vandalia Blue
- VNG-D: Vandalia Gold
- WDB-D: Woodburn Hall
- WHI-D: White Hall
- AEL-E: Aerodynamics Laboratory
- AGS-E: Agricultural Sciences Building
- ALH-E: Allen Hall
- ASA-E: Agricultural Sciences Annex
- BIC-E: Bicentennial House
- BRT-E: Brooke Tower
- BTT-E: Bennett Tower
- BXT-E: Braxton Tower
- CAC-E: Creative Arts Center
- COL-E: Coliseum
- CRP-E: Chestnut Ridge Prof Building
- CRR-E: Chestnut Ridge Research Bldg
- CS1-E: Crime Scene House 1
- CS2-E: Crime Scene House 2
- CS3-E: Crime Scene House 3
- CSG-E: Crime Scene Garage
- EDS-E: Electrical Distribution Systems
- ERA-E: ERC RFL Annex Office Bldg
- ERB-E: Engineering Research Building
- ESB-E: Engineering Sciences Building
- EVL-E: Evansdale Library
- EXT-E: Pierpont Extended Hsg
- FAA-E: Faculty Apartment A
- FAB-E: Faculty Apartment B
- FCH-E: Fieldcrest Hall
- FMW-E: Facilities Management Warehouse
- FRM-E: Animal Science Farm
- GRH-E: Greenhouse-1
- LNC-E: Lincoln Hall
- LWC-E: Law Center
- LYT-E: Lyon Tower
- MCA-E: Med Center Apt-Bldg K
- MCB-E: Med Center Apt-Bldg J
- MCJ-E: Med Center Apartment J
- MCK-E: Med Center Apartment K
- MEC-E: Museum Education Center
- MRB-E: Mineral Resources Building
- NAT-E: Natatorium-Shell
- NIO-E: NIOSH Building
- NRC-E: National Research Center
- NSH-E: North Street House
- NUR-E: Nursery School
- PER-E: Percival Hall
- PSK-E: Milan Puskar Center
- RWW-E: Retaining Walls, walkways
- SDS-E: Steam Dirstribution Systems
- SRC-E: Student Recreation Center
- SAS-E: South Agricultural Sciences
- SLG-E: College Park – The Ridge
- SUM-E: Summer School Housing
- TMP-E: Temporary Housing-Hotel
- USC-E: University Services Center
- WRS-E: Wrestling Structure
Health Sciences
- BMRF-H: Biomedical Research Facility
- HSA-H: Health Sciences Addition
- HSN-H: Health Sciences North
- HSS-H: Health Sciences South
- MBRC-H: Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
- AGS-F: Ag. Sciences Farms