Information Technology
Goal: To provide an overview of the process of creating effective and interactive instruction with the World Wide Web.
Sub Modules
- Adapting content - what to think about
- Using available technologies - SOLE, video, other
- Making it interactive - discussions, questions, games, other strategies
- Given mock educational materials or one's own materials, the learner will
- Convert existing documents to a web-readable format
- Use save as html... in Word and PowerPoint
- Save images as .jpg or .gif
- Enter test questions into question bank
- Formulate a framework (or product) for presenting information
- Evaluate SOLE's effectiveness for course content
- Or create a navigation structure in html
- Develop strategies for making content interactive
- Find creative use for discussion tools
- Insert questions at key points of content
- Develop open ended journaling exercises
- Convert existing documents to a web-readable format