Teaching Scholars Program

faculty member standing at front of classroom with students

The Teaching Scholars Program via Zoom focuses on developing educational theories/technologies as well as promoting educational skills, critical thinking and innovative approaches among WVU Health Sciences faculty. The program is as an online course via Secure OnLine Environment (SOLE) with only one hour of meeting time each week from September thru May. Weekly attendance is important as well as completion of weekly online evaluations.

The modules for this program will include:

  • Learning Styles & Strategies
  • Scholarship in Education
  • Information Technology
  • Leadership in Education
  • Assessment

The Mission Statement for the Teaching Scholars Program is:

“Scholarship in teaching . . . Excellence in Teaching”

The Teaching Scholars Program is a two-year program. First-year scholars attend weekly workshops from 8 a.m to 9 a.m. on Tuesdays via Zoom. Second-year scholars meet monthly at a time of their choice to collaborate on research projects. In addition, second-year scholars act as mentors for the first-year scholars and may involve first-year scholars in ongoing research and scholarship projects.

Scholars may be tenured or non-tenured and at the rank or above the rank of assistant professor. Exceptions will be made for part-time faculty and instructors as space in the program permits. We encourage faculty members who wish to participate in the Teaching Scholars Program to work closely with appropriate immediate supervisors or chairs/department heads in developing proposals that are clear about what applicants hope to accomplish in the Teaching Scholars Program. The involvement of such persons will help assure that the Teaching Scholars Program will assist in meeting the needs of the faculty and the institution as a whole. We also recommend that faculty members apply early enough to assure that respective chairs/department heads and directors have sufficient time to complete their sections of the applications and make plans for the coming year for accepted faculty to participate.

TSP Application

Chair Recommendation

Applications should be submitted electronically by August 23, 2024. Enrollment will be limited to 30 faculty.