The election's impact on healthcare: Join the School of Public Health Administrative Grand Rounds for expert analysis on what’s ahead
West Virginia University School of Public Health Master of Health Administration program and WVU Graduate Chapter of Upsilon Phi Delta will host a virtual Administrative Grand Rounds on Friday, Nov. 15, from noon to 1 p.m. ET.
Reminder: Resources available to aid planning an event at HSC
The Health Sciences Hub provides basic standards of protocol and guidelines for events at Health Sciences including how to get started, develop a formal plan and coordinate event logistics and suggested vendors. All event planners are encouraged to become familiar with these standards and refer to the website as a resource throughout the planning process.
Faculty Development Program set to host new faculty orientation in November
New Faculty Orientation will be held Friday, Nov. 15, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Bruce McClymonds Conference Room located in J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital.
HSC Active Directory project ends Friday, Nov. 1
To facilitate this final round of updates, please ensure all data is saved on your computer at the end of the business day, and leave your computer powered on and connected to the HSC network.
Share your feedback, ideas for Operation Blue Sky
Please take just a few minutes to share your feedback about Operation Blue Sky.
WVU School of Dentistry to host day of free oral care for veterans
The West Virginia University School of Dentistry will provide free oral health screenings for military veterans and active duty, National Guard and Reserve members on Monday, Nov. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The annual event – Veterans Oral Health Day – will take place in the WVU Dental clinics on the Health Sciences Campus in Morgantown.
WVU community invited to learn about Nobel Prize and Lasker Award discoveries
The WVU Health Sciences Office of Research and Graduate Education invites the campus community to a special seminar Thursday, Oct. 24, from 3-4:30 p.m. in Health Sciences Center North room 1905 to learn about this year’s Nobel Prize and Lasker Award discoveries.
Public health student crowned WVU Homecoming Royalty
School of Public Health student, Hannah Warden, was crowned 2024 Homecoming Royalty (alongside fellow WVU student Megan Frappier). Warden, a senior health services management and leadership major from Cross Lanes, is one of the first students to be admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master of Public Health program.
SPH Happenings: Oct. 21, 2024
Read the latest edition of the Happenings, the WVU School of Public Health's internal e-newsletter.
Gerbo to highlight occupational medicine as part of Medicine Grand Rounds
Professor and Director of Occupational Medicine at West Virginia University School of Public Health, Dr. Robert Gerbo, will be a presenter for WVU School of Medicine Grand Rounds on Friday, Oct. 25.