Community Action Poverty Simulation event to be held May 20
All WVU and WVU Medicine faculty and staff are invited to join the WVU Health Sciences Office of Interprofessional Education for a Community Action Poverty Simulation professional development event Monday, May 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Health Sciences Center.
2024 AGE-ADAR Scholars announced
The Appalachian Gerontology Experiences: Advancing Diversity in Aging Research Scholars Program recently selected seven rising sophomores and juniors in its fourth cohort of research interns to participate in the 2024 AGE-ADAR Summer Research Internship.
Two WVU School of Nursing faculty to present at Social Work Summer Institute
Two WVU School of Nursing faculty members, Amy Ankrom and Mike Bellisario, will be presenting workshops at the 18th Annual Social Work Summer Institute. Both Ankrom and Bellisario will be presenting in areas that represent unique perspectives that will inform the work of social service and community health workers throughout Vietnam.
WVU Nursing students, faculty participate at 2024 Women's Leadership Summit
Two WVU School of Nursing Beckley Campus students recently joined the 2024 Women's Leadership Summit alongside Campus Chair Hillary Parcell.
Upcoming steam outages planned for Morgantown Campus
To accommodate annual enhancements, repairs and testing to the University’s steam infrastructure, the Facilities Management team is working with the steam provider for WVU on three planned steam outages. The Health Sciences Campus outage will take place 6 a.m. May 20 through 6 a.m. May 21.
Summer activities to be hosted at Health Sciences Center
BeWell, Collegiate Recovery, WellWVU and the Health Sciences Chancellor’s Office will host outdoor activities throughout the summer, weather permitting, at the Health Sciences Center Memorial Gardens.
BeWell to host weekly community walks this summer
BeWell and the Carruth Center will host a Wake Up and Walk weekly series this summer for students to enhance their mental well-being, practice self-care and build social connections.
Carruth Center and Adventure WV to host outdoor socials weekly this summer
The Carruth Center and Adventure WV will host outdoor socials every Friday from May 17 to August 2 (except July 5) at Morgantown Adventure Outfitters. Each week, participants will decide if the group is biking, kayaking or walking.
Carruth Center and Adventure WV to host Grad Student Bike and Banter weekly this summer
Join the Carruth Center and Adventure WV this summer for a weekly bike ride! The group will meet every Thursday from May 16 to Aug 1 (except July 4) from 3-5 p.m.
SOLE unavailable 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 11
SOLE and SOLE-related applications will be unavailable from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 11 for important maintenance. There will be no noticeable changes in features or functionality when this work is complete.